So we have finished our quest for knowledge on the subject of Menkes disease. We dedicate this blog to Rick, the poor child who died from an incurable disease with no way to fight it. With this blog we aim to commemorate all of those who have fallen by Menkes and inform the public about it to prevent new victims and inspire new research on the subject. This has been an entertaining and educational assignment which has taught us more about genes and how a slight variation of the intricate pattern can have such terrible consequences.
For more information about the Disease go to:
Celso, Luis. (2000, July 26). Menkes disease. Retrieved from
Chang, Celia. (2009, November 4). Menkes disease. Retrieved from
Haldeman, Chad. (2009, April 15). Menkes syndrome. Retrieved from
Menkes disease information page. (2009, October 30). Retrieved from